April 05, 2012

banging hair

it's time for a haircut. what to do is always the question. however with long hair (that you have purposely decided to grow), does not allow for much room to be creative and innovative.
the next best idea is to just "google" what the latest and greatest is. i found a great website that did not only tell me what the latest is,  but provided tutorials as well.

apparently BANGS from 2007, are back. in order to pull off a fringe and a heavy banging look, one needs confidence. those who think that they can hide behind that fringe: you. are. wrong.

check out these great images as to how the fringe has changed and different ways to wear it . . .

a bit dull for me

my personal fav

the D&G runway show displayed these long-legged beauties with long.bouncy, wavy hair -  looking more real than the kardashians extensions - that was done by a simple blow wave. sigh. if only it was that easy in real life. see pictures below from the Fashionising website and for tutorials as to you being able to be THIS beautiful visit them again.

she looks slightly more sullen then when i first saw her

the first step to bouncy beautiful hair. sigh. 

and that is it from me with hair. it looks like a fringe with bouncy waves . . . . hmmm, will have to keep you updated with how that turns out. 
